PNCSY Youth Group

     May 10, 2009 took us up to Portland not only for Mother's Day (Mike's parents live up that way) but also for a fun event that wore everyone out with a Jewish youth group. We played a variety of games, ate dirt (long story), cheated blatantly (look for pictures of Meira wearing her hood) and had a really good time. We also ended up with a ton of pictures. It was an excellent change of pace since last time we played well after dark and couldn't get any pictures at all! Hopefully we managed to get at least one or two of everyone. Let us know if you want any of these re-cropped and reduced in resolution for your computer's desktop. Also, we look forward to seeing everyone out on the field again!

Also note that we posted 2 new desktop images from this event.

Click on the thumbnail to view the full picture.