Westside Young Adult Group

     Saturday, September 20, 2008 we were out and had tons of fun with the Westside Young Adult Group up in Portland. We played in a great location near Estacada. There was great food, great people and great fun playing Battlefield Live. We actually played until it was pitch black! The last game was insane because you couldn't see anyone but you could hear them and see the muzzle flashes. Thank you to the Resurrection YA group. Hope to see you guys again soon!

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    We had some really giggly girls trying to pass themselves off as Charlie's Angels.            Really giggly.
    They started to lose it pretty quickly...            ...and they held it together for at least a few minutes...
    ...so that we could take two nearly identical pictures...            ...but in the end, they couldn't stop goofing around. ;)
    Here's a super-cute picture of Emily ready to lay out the beatdown.            Always the animal lover, Emily shot her dog. Unfortunately my camera delayed long enough that I missed the picture with Rascal's snout in the gun barrel.
    Group shot            westside YA demonstrates diplomacy.
    Faced with imminent doom Emily laughs.            Faced with imminent doom Emily fights back. Hint: They're behind you, Emily!
    Shooting the moon somewhat passively.            Shooting the moon happily.
    Gun control. These guys were pro.